There’s been a lot of buzz about a Google AI tool lately – Google NotebookLM – and how you can use it to create an audio overview/podcast of your content, information, files etc.

I’m always eager to try these new AI tools out and started off with a fair bit of scepticism as it was making use of Google Gemini AI – which I wasn’t too impressed with in my earlier uses of it, back in February when I did my Testing the AI chabots roundup. But I had heard that others who tried out this particular audio overview/podcast feature were blown away by it.

So I fired up the Google NotebookLM page at and had a look around. I then got it to analyse my Testing the AI chabots roundup via the url – so thats kind of an AI infinite loop almost, using an AI tool to analyse a roundup of AI chatbots – I fed it the url and then waited a while for it to generate the audio overview/podcast.

I have to say the results are pretty amazing – an entertaining podcast with two hosts, discussing my AI chatbot testing and it all sounds logical – and interesting!

There were a few audio glitches here and there, plus it had a bit of a hallucination in that it mentioned a question I asked the chatbots about quantum entanglement – which I never asked – so where they got that from is a bit of a mystery – and definitely a hallucination!

You can then download the podcast as (the only option) a WAV file. Quite why WAV file is the only option I don’t know? You can also share a link to the audio overview/podcast and this is the link for mine, so you can check it out if you like:-

At the moment, you can’t give any feedback to Google on your experience using the tool which is a shame, as surely feedback would be very useful at this early stage of the tool. You can give a thumbs up or thumbs down as feedback but that’s hardly comprehensive.

Overall, I’d say this is so far the most impressive demo of what AI tools can do – even with the hallucination mentioned above.