
Mobile Device Quick Comparison Chart – Feb 2016

Update - the latest version of the Mobile Device Quick Comparison Chart will now always be at It can be difficult keeping track of all the different mobile devices - smartphones and tablets - and the differences between them. With each new version of the [...]

How to setup a ChromeOS virtual

It took me only 20 minutes to setup a ChromeOS virtual in VirtualBox the other day, just so I could see what it looked it like and how it worked. Maybe you also want to check out ChromeOS or need a virtual for a particular task [...]

2016-02-19T16:17:17+00:00February 19th, 2016|Categories: ChromeOS, Operating Systems, Virtuals|Tags: , , , |

Testing projects so far in 2016

2016 has been busy so far, I’ve worked on lots of different testing projects, with a brief outline of some of them below: Property crowdfunding website testing: mobile device testing Coastal ecosystem website testing Cinema info and booking website testing Cinema iOS 9 app testing Cinema [...]

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