
Rapid Software Testing Applied (RSTA) course completed

From July 15th to July 17th 2015, I took part in an online course called Rapid Software Testing Applied (RSTA) where the techniques and practises of Rapid Software Testing (RST) are used on a real-world software product. The course was run by James Bach, one of [...]

Quick Intro to NFC

As I've recently added blog posts on Mobile Payments, Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay - all which use NFC - I thought I'd add a post for NFC itself. What is NFC? Firstly, NFC is Near Field Communication - a technology more catchily known as [...]

Quick Intro to Gherkin

Having used Gherkin in a couple of different testing projects, I thought I'd provide a Quick Intro to Gherkin, for those not familiar with it. So far, I've used Gherkin as a way of documenting tests, rather than automating tests, but it's used in both scenarios. [...]

Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2015

Monday 8 June 2015 saw the WWDC take place in San Francisco. Apple usually unleashes lots of announcements at this event and this year was no exception. Below I've briefly outlined the major announcements. iOS 9 The main features of iOS seem to be the enhancement [...]

2017-01-10T21:24:44+00:00June 12th, 2015|Categories: Apple, Apple Pay, Events, Featured News, iOS, iOS 9, iOS App Testing, iPad, iPhone, Mobile, New Tech, News, OSX, Other Tech|

Mobile Payments: Quick intro to Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay

Quick Intro to Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay All the major mobile manufacturer's are desperately trying to stake their claim for a slice of the potentially massive Mobile Payments market - with a slice of every transaction/payment their aim. As of June 2015, Apple Pay [...]

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