
Quick tip – Improving the iPhone Keyboard in iOS 8

This isn't a quick tip saying to install SwiftKey Keyboard app, as I've tried that and didn't see much improvement over the built-in iOS 8 keyboard. This tip improves the space you have to switch to and from the numeric keyboard - which you constantly need to [...]

2017-01-10T21:24:52+00:00February 14th, 2015|Categories: Apple, iOS 8, iOS App Testing, iPhone, Tips|Tags: , , , |

What is Rapid Software Testing?

My definition of Rapid Software Testing Rapid Software Testing enables a tester to use their experience, knowledge and skills to effectively test a product, focussing on testing the product's elements rather than producing test cases and associated paperwork. Use of Exploratory Testing helps the tester to [...]

Who I work with

A flexible testing approach allows me to work with clients of all types and sizes, providing services such as: website testing and app testing for startups app testing for app developers and software houses website testing, feedback and advice for business owners on [...]

A flexible testing approach

I have found that a flexible testing approach has been a key element to ensuring successful projects with my customers, including: Working alongside customer's existing testing/QA processes Creating new testing/QA processes where none are currently implemented Suggesting improvements to existing testing/QA processes Working within [...]

Updating your Windows 10 Technical Preview build

Looks like its fairly easy to update your Windows 10 Technical Preview build - when you know how... My Windows 10 Technical Preview build was B9841 and Microsoft have recently released a latest build, after their recent Windows 10 launch event. It's actually easy to update [...]

2017-01-10T21:24:58+00:00February 2nd, 2015|Categories: Windows 10|Tags: , |
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