Created the App Security Test website, which is a WordPress website, using the Zerif Lite theme. This is a free one-page WordPress theme, which allows [...]

Mouth to Mouth Agency – WordPress Website Healthcheck
Pat Walsh2018-10-18T16:48:14+01:00Project - Mouth to Mouth Agency - WordPress Website Healthcheck The Mouth to Mouth marketing agency contacted me to do a full WordPress Website Healthcheck of [...]
Different Hats website
Pat Walsh2017-01-10T21:30:16+00:00Created the Different Hats website, which is a WordPress website, using the Envision theme. Different Hats is a funky showcase for the projects worked on [...]
Web Security Test website
Pat Walsh2017-01-10T21:30:18+00:00Created the Web Security Test website, which is a WordPress website, using the Envision theme. The Web Security Test website is the online resource for [...] website
Pat Walsh2017-01-10T21:30:29+00:00Created the website, which is a WordPress website, using the Envision theme. Future Lens offers skills and advice for strategic pathfinding. website
Pat Walsh2017-02-17T19:12:56+00:00Created the website, a WordPress website, using the Envision theme. The Envision theme is very flexible and allows for many different visual approaches. This [...]
TechTestLondon website
Pat Walsh2017-02-02T18:15:27+00:00Created the TechTestLondon website, which is a WordPress website, using the Envision theme. The Envision theme is very flexible and allows for many different visual [...]
WebTestLondon website
Pat Walsh2018-08-17T11:22:45+01:00I created the website which is a WordPress site. This site showcases my Freelance Website Testing Services and projects. Note: The website was [...]
AppTestLondon website
Pat Walsh2018-08-17T11:22:26+01:00Created the website, which is a WordPress website. This is one of my own websites, built to showcase my Freelance App Testing Services and [...]
Kingston Valdes Website
Pat Walsh2017-04-04T11:38:03+01:00Created the new Kingston Valdes website, a WordPress website using the Avada theme. This involved constructing the site to the wireframe design provided by the [...]