Project - VPAR app - iOS App Testing & Android App Testing The VPAR App is used by golfers around the world to keep track [...]

Huudlr app – iOS App Testing & Android App Testing
Pat Walsh2018-10-18T16:50:12+01:00Project - Huudlr app - iOS App Testing & Android App Testing I tested the Huudlr app - which included both iOS App Testing and [...]

Test Partners
Pat Walsh2017-02-14T14:40:31+00:00I have worked as a Test Consultant with Test Partners on many different projects, including Website Testing projects and App Testing projects. These projects have [...]
Purple Decks
Pat Walsh2017-01-10T21:30:34+00:00I am working with Purple Decks as an independent tester of their iOS Apps and Android Apps. Purple Decks create Apps for smartphones, software for [...]
Diesel Days To Live
Pat Walsh2017-04-20T13:09:32+01:00App Tester & Website Tester for Diesel Days To Live iOS App & Website. I performed iOS App Testing for the Days To Live iOS [...]

uTest Testing
Pat Walsh2015-01-31T16:04:00+00:00This has included testing in the following areas: iOS App Testing on iPhone and iPad Android App Testing Software Testing on Windows and Mac OSX [...]