Within this Quick Guide, I aim to cover the basics of Web Usability and Search Engine Optimisation
(SEO) – what they are, how they are linked, how one leads to another and – most importantly of all –
how they can help to improve a website.

Since training with Webcredible in 2007 (on Web Usability, Usability Testing and Writing for the
Web) I have been interested in these areas and how website owners can use Web Usability techniques
to improve their websites, both in terms of usability and SEO, for very little outlay in time and

Part 3 – Benefits of good Web Usability


  • A website with an efficient ordering system is more likely to attract business from customers and thus generate higher sales
  • Users will buy more products if they can find them easily on your website
  • Providing effective product information will lead to more sales
  • Interesting and readable content on your website will lead to users staying longer on your website and thus more likely to buy from your website

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

  • A well organised website will be easier for users to navigate and – for SEO – helps the search spider analyse your website
  • Effective use of keywords helps your users find the information they want and – for SEO – keywords play a major part in search engine algorithms and search engine results
  • Good use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) improves the layout and consistency of navigation of your website and – for SEO – enables the search spider to actually index your content, rather than coding


  • New users are more likely to stay on the website and are thus more likely to become customers
  • Existing users are more likely to keep returning to the website and provide more business

Part 4 – Web Usability leads to SEO

*** If you would like help with your website’s Web Usability & SEO, please Contact Me

*** There is now a downloadable version of this content.