
Learning Android Development

Now learning another aspect of Java development - this time for Mobile devices - and specifically Android devices. Working through the book 'Beginning Android Application Development' from Wrox. Have got the Android SDK and Platform downloaded and setup, using Eclipse plus the Android Development Tools plugin. [...]

2013-01-30T11:08:22+00:00February 16th, 2012|Categories: Android, Apps, Books, Java|Tags: , , , |

iPhone Apps for learning Java – JAVA Quiz

Found the 'JAVA Quiz' app on the AppStore. See As its free, thought I'd give it a go. It says its got over 500 questions and starts a random quiz each time. You get 30 seconds per question (can change this) and its a multiple choice [...]

2013-01-30T09:47:42+00:00December 1st, 2011|Categories: Apps, iOS, Java|Tags: , , |
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