
Testing invisible reCAPTCHA

This is a rehash of my own posts on the Ministry of Testing regarding testing Invisible reCAPTCHA. Google provides various information on Invisible reCAPTCHA, such as the links below, but none of these provide much information. Here's what I've found out so far from [...]

2018-04-08T15:21:32+01:00March 26th, 2018|Categories: Google, Website Testing|Tags: , , , |

Moving my WordPress websites to https

Intro I have recently moved my 3 main websites from http to https and this post gives an overview of the process, including some info on why I made the move to https and also how I completed the move to https. Why move a website [...]

Word Lens app – Quest Visual taken over by Google – now the app is free…

I remember hearing about the Word Lens app when it originally came out a while back, but never got around to using it, as it was a paid-for app. It uses augmented-reality to translate things like signs into a different language, yet still managing to keep [...]

2017-05-03T11:13:05+01:00May 22nd, 2014|Categories: Apple, Apps, iOS, iOS 7, iOS App Testing|Tags: , , , |
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