#WannaCry #Ransomware cyber-attack: Who…
#WannaCry #Ransomware cyber-attack: Who has been hardest hit? - BBC News www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-39919249 twitter.com/PatWalshLondon/status/8641355711276195…
#WannaCry #Ransomware cyber-attack: Who has been hardest hit? - BBC News www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-39919249 twitter.com/PatWalshLondon/status/8641355711276195…
Security blogger halts #ransomware 'by accident' -BBC News- the story continues! #accidentalhero #WannaCry #malware www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-39907049
Looking mainly like a Windows XP issue! #WindowsXP - UK hospital meltdown after #ransomware #worm uses NSA vuln www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/12/nhs_hospital_shut…
The #ransomware #worm shutting down computers worldwide - hospitals, banks, telecomms - time to switch to Mac! arstechnica.co.uk/security/2017/05/what-is-wanna-d…
Explaining the global ransomware outbreak - BBC News #Windows #ransomware #WannaCry #worms www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-39896393
The new #Windows #UI: #Microsoft #Fluent Design System - bit of a mouthful! arstechnica.co.uk/information-technology/2017/05/w…
#Microsoft makes emergency security fix for 'crazy bad' bug #Windows #security #crazybad #bug - BBC News www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-39856391
Windows 10 S forces you to use Edge and Bing #Windows10S #Edge #Bing arstechnica.co.uk/gadgets/2017/05/windows-10-s-edg…
#Microsoft turns two-factor authentication into one-factor by ditching password arstechnica.co.uk/information-technology/2017/04/m… #security #one
Microsoft shuts down #CodePlex, commits to #GitHub | IT PRO - Erm, CodePlex? That’s the first time I’ve heard of it www.itpro.co.uk/strategy/28413/microsoft-shuts-dow…
Exposed files on Microsoft's document-sharing site - BBC News #oops Can still view docs there, try search for CV www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-39417479
Why Microsoft believes we’re on the threshold of quantum computing | TechRadar #Microsoft #QuantumComputing www.techradar.com/news/why-microsoft-believes-were…
Microsoft shuts down UK Skype office | IT PRO #Microsoft #Skype - seems quite a drastic measure itpro.co.uk/strategy/27256…
Microsoft to take on Slack - Mobile World Live - I hope they take them on and don't buy them, @SlackHQ is excellent mobileworldlive.com/apps/news-apps…