
News: 23 Feb 2013 – iPhone 5 leads way in Q4 2012 sales figures

           Figures out recently from Strategy Analytics show that Apple's iPhone 5 now leads the way as the world's best-selling smartphone. The full 1-2-3 in Q4 2012 was 1. Apple iPhone 5 27.4 million units (12.6%) 2. Apple iPhone 4S 17.4 million units [...]

2017-01-10T21:28:24+00:00February 23rd, 2013|Categories: Featured News, News 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Mobile Development Platforms – iOS, Android, Blackberry, Kindle Fire

Updated: 22 May 2012  I've done some research into the different Mobile Development Platforms, as there's now so many different offerings from different manufacturers. Here's the current state of play:- iPhone / iPad  Objective-C using iOS development platform Android Java using Android SDK development platform BlackBerry [...]

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