It had been a while since I’d updated the Avada theme that this website uses and it seems the longer you leave it, the more there is to consider – what will I need to backup, what about WordPress versions, what about my plugins etc?
Anyway, I finally took the plunge today and my website is now back up and running with the latest versions of Avada 3.4.3 and WordPress 3.9 – all seems ok so far, after some tweaks here and there.
Below I’ll detail the steps I went through, in the hope in helps someone else in the same situation:
1) First of all, I checked out the following URLs which Avada support advised me to look at before upgrading:
2) Downloaded the latest Avada theme files, version 3.4.3
3) Backups
I made sure I had backups of the following:
4) Took some screenshots of the main pages of my website, so I had a definite reference point after the upgrade. I used the Chrome screenshot tool as this allows you to take the whole page in one go – when it works.
Now at the actual upgrade point…
5) Within WordPress/Appearance/Themes, de-activated Avada theme, made a different theme the current one and deleted the Avada theme. Then updated the Avada theme to 3.4.3 by uploading the relevant ZIP file via WordPress. This unexpectedly worked ok first time – there are often issues where the process drops out at some point.
6) Updated WordPress to current version, 3.9. During this process, the site is in Maintenance Mode.
At one point the screen went blank/white and I thought something had gone wrong, but it worked when I tried to access the URL again.
7) Initial viewing of the homepage was not good – no sliders, shortcodes not working etc. So I then turned on the plugin Ultimate Maintenance Mode, to give me time to sort it out and let website users that the site was in Maintenance Mode and that there’d be a tweet on @PatWalshLondon when the site was backup.
8) I pasted in the Avada theme options that I had made a copy of.
9) The next step – as the Avada theme prompts you to do – then sorted out most of the problems I was seeing in the site.
10) Installed Fusion Core plugin and Revolution Slider plugin, and then Activated them. The lack of these plugins was causing most of the problems I had seen on the homepage and elsewhere.
11) Had a quick look through the site and everything was now appearing more normal – sliders were there, content was laid out properly.
12) I noticed the logo wasn’t there, so uploaded it again, set the header to use Header Type 5 again and set the logo to appear in the centre.
13) I also noticed the footer was nowhere to be seen. I then realised I had probably pasted in the Avada theme options without then saving them – doh! – so did that and the footer then appeared.
14) I noticed some other smaller issues, which I fixed as follows:
15) At this stage, everything was looking good, so I did some tests on the other main browsers and also some quick tests on iPad Mini and iPad Air – all looking ok.
All in all, this took around 3 hours. I then took some extra time to update all the sliders on the site, so the site wasn’t actually up and running until 4 pm, about 5 hours for the upgrades and my updates to the sliders.
Very useful Avada documentation link – for shortcodes and their options: